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Deep Undercover Part 1

“Where is it?!” Aaron asked himself out loud as he searched the desk of his home office, his long arms seemed to stretch the whole desk as he looked around panicked

“Where is what?” Chasity, his wife, asked as she walked into the room with a cup of coffee and set it down on his desk

“I’m so close to finding out who the plug is baby and evidence keeps coming up missing,”

“Really?” Chasity asked in a concerned tone she knew he was really worried because he never discussed any part of his cases with her

“Yeah man, this case can make or break my career.” Aaron said and put his hands on his head. He was a narcotics detective and undercover working for a distributor that was responsible for a lot of drugs that had been flooding the city, from marijuana to pills. He had been undercover for going on 2 years now and he finally was getting up in rank where the head of the operation, Herb, trusted him enough. They were supposed to be meeting with the plug next week and Aaron had to be at that meeting, that is the day that he wanted to have all the evidence and arrest everyone involved. If he failed all of the department’s resources would have been used for nothing and it would make a mockery of them but if he succeeded this would be the biggest bust of his career and lead him to awards, recognition, and possibly a promotion.

“Calm down baby,” Chasity said grabbing his hands and making him look at her, his tall frame towered over her and he looked down at her, her eyes were large and he dived head first into her brown pools called eyes any chance he got. Chasity had her black soft curly hair tied up in a head wrap and she wore one his shirts that swallowed her slim frame. “Everything is going to work out for you.” she said then kissed him on his full lips softly.

“Thank you babe,” he said feeling himself settling down, Chasity always had a way of making him feel better and see things clearly when he was angry.

“You’re letting this case get to you more than any other one,” Chasity commented as she looked at him, his brows furrowed on his smooth butterscotch skin as he contemplated her words

“You know my moms past with drugs is what drove me to this field, I can’t let another kid lose his mom because of this shit.”

“Once you take them off the streets someone else is just going to take their spot and what if they find out who you are? What if they already know?”

“I’ll deal with that when I get there, no matter what they know or who it is everyone is going to jail,” Aaron said then looked at her with a confused expression “what do you know about the streets?” He smirked

“I watch snowfall okay,” Chasity said then they both laughed from their stomach at her, she was a kid from the suburbs and grew up very well off. The way the streets worked was foreign to her but Aaron found it cute that she tried to put him up on “game.” “Go to the office and see if you left anything there. I’m about to go to a book club meeting anyway.”

“When am I going to meet this cousin you’ve been having book club meetings with for the past couple of months?” Aaron said

“Soon babe, you are the one who is busy every time I try to have her over,” Chasity smiled

“Okay, you’re right,” Aaron conceded

“I know I am,” Chasity said laughing and kissed his lips again then watched him walk out and grab his belongings to leave. This case worried her more than it did him, he was in a dangerous world and getting closer than she’d like him to, she watched him drive away while biting her bottom lip then walked up the steps of their house to get ready to meet up with her cousin.

“Hey Cap,” Aaron said walking into the station, he tried to avoid him because he knew what he’d say

“We should be wrapping up that case your working on soon huh?” Captain Howard said

“Uhhh yeah sir real soon,” Aaron replied as he briskly walked past him to his office. It was puzzling him how the papers and photos he was collecting that would allow him to figure out the plug would come up missing, it made him feel like there was a mole somewhere in the department under this man’s payroll. He couldn’t trust anyone and it made him more

secretive, he looked around his office and couldn’t find the paperwork still.

“What you doing here?” Detective Martin asked from his office door, they were the only two black detectives in the office and had a habit of looking out for each other

“Looking for something man,” Aaron replied

“You good?” Martin asked taking a seat in front of his desk

“Man evidence that I’ve collected to go over and figure out who this plug is has been coming up missing, it’s nothing big but it’s what I’ve been using to build a case. My case against the distributor is still strong but I want everybody and I’m trying to avoid technicalities.” Aaron sat down frustrated

“What you thinking?” Martin asked

“I don’t know man,” Aaron raised up on his elbows in contemplation “Im going to keep this one close,” He said and got up to leave

“Yeah and I’m going to ask around here and see whose been near your office,” Martin said standing up as well

“Good looking brotha.” Aaron said and shook hands with him as they stepped out of his office talking.

Chasity’s heels clicked as she paced the floor of her cousins house,

“He doesn’t know right?” Herb asked as he put the finishing touches on the blunt he was about to smoke

“No,” she said picking up the paper she took out of Aaron’s office “To keep it that way little shit like this can’t keep happening!” She said through gritted teeth

“Man do you know who this man is in the streets?” Herb said putting the blunt down “You let this happen! He is breathing because you control this shit and you love him.”

“I told you to keep him close but not this fucking close.” Chasity shook her head

“You found out who he was a year after dating him and still married him,” Herb said which Chasity rolled her eyes at

“I was already in love at that point and he was just starting his undercover work, I didn’t know the full details. I thought I could keep things together but this shit feels too close,” Chasity explained

“Yeah well he not gone quit and you CAN’T quit, so are you ready to go all the way when he finds out?”

“All the way?” she said confused by what Herb was insinuating

“He said out of his own mouth he don’t care who is involved everybody is going to jail, you think his love for you is going to out weigh his love for his job?” He asked

“I don’t know,” Chasity answered honestly and bowed her head, Aaron seemed so passionate about ending this case and she wasn’t sure what he’d do if he found out her true identity.

“Get yo fucking head in the game Chas!! This ain’t no child’s play. You the plug cousin and you sleeping with the enemy. This shit can only end one way and all I’m saying is I’m not going to jail.” Herb picked up his blunt and put fire to the end, he didn’t agree with the whole “keeping your enemies close” idea from the beginning and seeing how good Aaron was in the streets upset him more. His instincts and thought process came natural and he really had the makings of a king pin but his need for revenge for his mom made him overlook all of that and Herb didn’t want to kill him but when it came down to Aaron or him he knew what choice he was making every time no matter how Chasity wanted to go about it.

Chasity looked at him and turned on her heels to walk out of the house

“Remember what i said,” Herb said before she walked out slamming the door. Chasity didn’t say another word because he was right but she wasn’t ready to admit it or give the go ahead to end the life of her man. Everything in her wanted to come clean but she was unsure what Aaron’s reaction would be and that would be suicide to her reputation if he chose his job over her. Chasity drummed her fingers on her steering wheel as she thought about her next move, she felt their love was strong enough to get over this but rage was a dangerous thing to gamble on and Aaron was mad right now. Not only would finding this out be a slap in the face but finding out about her stealing the ties to herself would feel like the ultimate betrayal, she just couldn’t risk him knowing so she checked his office every night and the custodian at the police department was on her payroll through someone else. She was well hidden and Herb was the only person that knew everything but Aaron wasn’t dumb and it would only be a matter of time before her luck ran out.

What was her next move going to be?

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